site The HERACLES Consortium
Horizon 2020

The Europeam Commission supports the work of the HERACLES group through the HORIZON 2020 research program: The group has successfully answered to two calls from the EURATOM NFRP series.


Our first H2020 project, focused on a sound scientific understanding of the irradiation behaviour of UMo and advancing production techniques for dispersion fuel. Running from 2015 to 2019.


The second project, aiming on advancing production technology for dispersion and monolithic fuels and paving the way for high density U3Si2 fuels. Engineerd in a way, that HPRRs and MFRs will profit altogether. Running 2017 to 2021.


The third project, aiming on advancing production technology for dispersion and monolithic fuels and paving the way for high density U3Si2 fuels. Engineerd in a way, that HPRRs and MFRs will profit altogether. Running 2017 to 2021.